Tuesday, November 26, 2013

three pillars of exposure


1. Aperture is often compared to the iris of the eye. 
2. The smaller the aperture the greater the depth, the higher the aperture the smaller the depth. 
3. Aperture impacts depth of field by making the main subject sharp and the background blurry during a large f-stop and the opposite during a small f-stop.

Shutter Speed 

At the beginning while the sun is still partially up and the courtyard has reasonable light:
a.) the dunking booth- High Shutter Speed
b.) the food eating contest- High Shutter Speed
c.) the rock climbing wall- High Shutter Speed
d.) someone working at a booth- Slow Shutter Speed
e.) the DJ/MC working at the middle of the circle- Slow Shutter Speed
f.) the Diamonds performance- High Shutter Speed

Towards the end when there is no sun and has gotten dark enough that you can't see from one end of the courtyard to the other.
a.) The dunking booth - High Shutter Speed
b.) The food eating contest - Slow Shutter Speed
c.) The rock climbing wall - Slow Shutter Speed
d.) Someone working at a booth - Slow Shutter Speed
e.) The DJ/MC working at the middle of the circle - Slow Shutter Speed
f.) The Diamonds performance - High Shutter Speed

Auto - The camera selects what the shutter speed will be depending on it's surroundings.
Aperture Priority - You can change the aperature manualy but the camera changes the shutter speed Automatic Manual - You can change both aperature and shutter speed by hand

Image taken at ISO 200

Image taken at ISO 3200

1.It will be easier to capture the moving objects of the players in action.
2. If you have your camera mounted on a tripod or sitting on a flat surface. Your camera will most likely need more time to capture the scene and anything that is moving is probably going to look like a ghost.
3. To set my ISO to a higher number to be able to freeze motion

F4 - 1/250:  The background is blurry
F5.6 - 1/60:  The background is less blurry
F8 - 1/60:  The background is less blurry
F11- 1/60:  The background is more clear
F16- 1/30:  It's the same the background
F22 - 1/8: When the background is more clear and blurry.

At slow shutter speed people are blurry.
A higher shutter speed will solve the problem. 
The lowest shutter speed is 1/40.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

quick write

One time i microwaved soap and it turned into foam. Then i tried putting food coloring in it and it smelt really bad.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Quick write

if i created a smart photo app it would be extremely helpful. This app would help determine how your day is going to end up going. this app will cost $4.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

quick write

my super hero

My super hero would have the ability to become invisible. Their name is magnus disappear. their costume would be in all black and have glitter all over it.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Black and White photos part 3

Photo 1

I see a girl laying on a bed of sheets. Gazing off into the light. Her legs glow as she lays there alone.
I smell the strong perfume taking over the room. The sheets linger with sweat and tears. I smell the bittersweet smell of love. 
I hear the sheets rustle as the fan blows hard. The crickets chirp in the background and create a harmony. The 
I taste the lipstick on her lips. The flavor of the perfume sticks to my tongue. 
I feel the cold breeze on her stomach. The soft silky sheets touch my rough skin.  

Photo 2

I see a sad woman laying to her sorrow. The dim light stall in silence. The lamp lights flicker. 
The scent of a cigarette takes over the room. An incenses burns and masks the smell.The musty smell of cologne from the man who was previously here marks the room.
I hear the telephone ring over and over. A continuous bang coming from the front door. The neighbors argue over something so little that is clearly heard.
I taste the stale air. The slightest taste of wine still on my tongue. I already taste the rejection that is coming towards me.
I feel the bitterness of being alone. The beat of the woman's heart is racing and she passes it on to me. I feel the depression overpowering the lonesome room.